How to reuse your old photo frame?
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Many a times it happens that a photo frame that had seemed the most important accessory for your home decor, slowly starts fading out its charm and is often replaced by a new, hip and much upgraded frame. And no wonder the old ones find a place in some corner of the store room or completely removed as a trash item. However, instead of discarding your once-upon-a-time precious frame, you can put it into a real good use by resurrecting it in a new way.
Spoon Hanger: If you can screw some nails on the frame it can become a great utility object in your kitchen, where you can hang your spoons and forks. Splash some interesting colours on the frame that would match with your kitchen walls and your frame is ready for a new avatar.
Refrigerator magnets: If the frames are small you can fix a magnet at its back and your frame is ready to be used as a fridge magnet. Photographs or some colourful pictures, creative art can be set into the photo frame and used as a beautiful and innovative piece of artwork on your refrigerator.
Side Board: The photo frame instead of finding a place in the store room can emerge to become the most important object of your room – something on which you would be compelled to set your eyes on every day. Well, the secret is you can turn your photo frame into a bulletin or to-do things board, where you can stick the important news items of the day, or a to-do list for the week. So you just cannot afford to miss giving a glance to your old and rejected photo frame, which would become your essential side board for your room.
Serving tray: Another very interesting way you can give a new lease of life to your photo frame is to use it as a serving tray. So next time your guests come to your place you can serve them drinks and snacks in a manner that was unforeseen before. You can amuse your friends by making a collage with their pictures and serve them in that same tray.
Jewellery Stand: Ever wondered you need to buy something on which you can hang your bangles and bracelets. Well, if you can put up some screws on the same old photo frame with which you were wondering what you could do, you can just use it as a very important item of your dressing table. Now your earrings and bangles would not be misplaced as you can hook them at your favourite old photo frame.
Wall Art: You can bring some spice to your boring monotonous walls by painting the photo frames in some matching or wild colours and then placing them strategically so that your walls get a new lease of life and look extraordinary and innovative. You can choose the colours from your imagination and play with colours as differently as possible.
So, next time before discarding any item from your household, think twice and maybe you can turn it into something interesting and innovating and a never-thought-of item.